Questions we are frequently asked.

What is nudism?

Nudism, or Naturism as it is sometimes called, is when people enjoy being nude at home, in nature, or a social setting.  It is a cultural movement practising, advocating, and defending personal and social nudity, which mostly takes place on private property, but sometimes in public. 

But why do people choose to be nudists?

Individual responses to that question vary greatly. For some, nudism is a deliberate lifestyle; for others, it is no more complicated than occasionally going nude at a nude beach. Whatever the reason is, the common denominator is the sense of freedom that nudist activities give.

Sometimes it’s simply about comfort (first-time skinny-dippers are often amazed at how good it feels to be without clothes), or there may be a deeper reason. For many, social nudity is personally liberating, and, through it, we come to accept not just ourselves and our bodies, but other people’s bodies as well. 

What is “social nudity” or “nude recreation?”

The terms cover a lot of things. But first, it’s important to know what they don’t mean. Nudism is not a code word for “sex”. When nudists talk about “social nudity” and “nude recreation” they mean exactly that—nude group activities. The variety of activities varies tremendously. There are nude hiking, yoga, exercise, and other social groups. Here at Social Nudists Los Angeles, there are can be day trips to the nude beach, cocktail parties, movie nights, brunches, chartered cruises and weekend excursions to nude resorts or campgrounds. Most things that can be done clothed can be done without clothes — and usually, it’s a lot more fun! See our page on what to expect.

Why would nude men want to get together?

It gives a sense of belonging to associate with like-minded people, and a group of nudists are just that.  They enjoy recreation without clothing.  The shame that you feel about your body goes away when you’re in a group of others who are nude. Just like with the clothes, the mental and emotional barriers are lifted when a supportive group gathers together, and you are welcomed as you are, for who you are, not for what you’re wearing or how you look.  With the support of the group, you will then embrace the freedom you once thought to be shameful or forbidden and lose the feeling that the human body is somehow obscene.  Your mental and emotional health will benefit from being nude in a social setting.

Is Social Nudists Los Angeles just for men?

Yes, our community is for male-identified persons. We are not a mixed group.

How do I become a nudist?

It’s very easy. TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF! You can start at home. Some people enjoy being nude in the privacy or their own home or apartment, but can’t imagine being nude on a public beach or in a resort. That’s all right. Do your chores in the nude.

Perhaps the best way to “become a social nudist” is with the help of a friend who is a nudist. You can check out your nearest nude beach, hot spring, or swimming hole. You don’t have to take your clothes off right away; do it gradually if you prefer. Or, if it simply doesn’t feel right, just leave. You can always come back and try again.

You’re always welcome to join our events, (which are nude, not clothing optional) when you feel comfortable enough. See our page on what to expect.

What if I get an erection?

You’ll be surprised to know that it doesn’t happen very often when you get comfortable with everyone being naked (which only takes a few minutes) and you’re engaged. But as men, we realize that sometimes erections have a mind of their own and may not be sexually motivated. It is normal to get the occasional erection and we celebrate your sexuality. Erections will come and go if you just acknowledge them and let them be. Sometimes, the harder we try to keep from getting an erection, the harder we get. So let it go. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.

What are the benefits of nudism?

Body acceptance is the norm in the nudist world, so you will find that self-esteem is enhanced.

Conversations seem to come easier and are more genuine.

Many report the “time warp” phenomenon. Just a single day spent without clothes seems to relax people more than an entire weekend elsewhere. Without clothes, stress seems to melt away.

Will I feel self conscious?

It’s normal to feel self conscious in the first few minutes, but most first-timers adjust to social nudity very quickly — usually within minutes — and discover it’s not nearly as big a deal as they thought it would be. Some feel self-conscious before they undress since they’re likely to be the only ones not nude.

What if I meet someone I know at an event, or in the app?

Then you would have found another interest that both of you share. Invariably, they will greet you warmly and start a conversation with you. They’re unlikely to start spreading rumors, since they will be also spreading about themselves. The rule of thumb is to greet them and talk to them as you usually would to avoid things becoming awkward.

I’m not in the best shape. Will I feel comfortable?

You’ll feel right at home. Nudist events are a reflection of society at large, with people of all shapes and sizes.

Am I afraid of nudity?

Most people in North America appear to suffer from a phobia of nudity – either their own or of seeing that of others. The problem with this fear is that it leads people to be uncomfortable with their own bodies. It results in them being ashamed, embarrassed, and even offended by their own image. The emotional reaction can negatively impact self-esteem and self-confidence.

Fear of nudity has an official name – Gymnophobia.

I am looking to be more sexually adventurous, is this the place to do it?

Probably not. Nudism is not code for sex and, as our name implies, the emphasis is on social activities.