Connecting nudist men one person at a time.
Explore nudism with the Social Nudists of Los Angeles.
In Germany, it’s called FreiKörperKultur (free body culture). In the USA, it’s most familiar as nudism. In the rest of the world, it’s most often known as naturism.
At Social Nudists Los Angeles, we believe that the human body is intrinsically noble, and that accepting yourself and others as they are without clothing can be a liberating and even spiritually uplifting experience.
Nudists come in all shapes and sizes, so there’s no need to have a ‘perfect’ physique.
Lean into nudity.
Being naked is good for you!
The human body was not designed to be wrapped up in clothes and there are numerous health benefits associated with clothes-free activities.
More and more men are realising the major benefits nudity brings to mental, emotional and physical health, body image issues, and their ability to relax and escape the stresses of daily life.
When you take off your clothes, you do more than just peel away layers of fabric. You also take off your worries, stresses and particularly any hang-ups you have about your body.
Get social - without clothes.
“Social nudity” is on the increase as people are far less hung up these days about seeing or being seen naked by others – including friends and family. We’re all the same underneath. Being naked in the company of others helps people’s perception of what constitutes a healthy body – it’s okay to have wobbly bits and be different from most ‘celebrity’ bodies. A recent scientific study has shown that people who are naked in a social setting have greater self-esteem than the rest of the population.
Upcoming events.
Here is a quick snapshot of our upcoming events.
COVID-19 update: Until we can safely congregate again, we will not be holding our usual offering of events. Most events during the COVID-19 period will be done online.