Etiquette for Naturists
A nude gathering is not an open invitation to have sex. Open sexual activity is inappropriate, and usually makes others feel uncomfortable. Hugs and friendly touching are OK; groping and erotic play are not. Spontaneous erections are generally considered natural and should not be a cause for concern or shame. Sex, if allowed at all, must be confined to designated areas and must be mutually agreed upon.
Always sit on a towel. Don’t place your bare body in contact with furniture or upholstery, especially when you are a guest in someone’s home. Sweat and body secretions, though a fact of life, can be unsanitary and unpleasant to others.
Body acceptance is what we’re all about. Avoid staring at other bodies or making anyone feel conspicuous or uncomfortable. We wish to make each person feel welcome and accepted.
You are expected to be nude. Remove all your clothes unless the event is specifically designated as clothing optional. Shoes or sandals are usually worn when necessary, and some clothing may be appropriate in cool weather, but don’t cover up when everyone else is nude. It will usually make you unwelcome in the group.
Use moderation when consuming alcohol. Overindulging often results in objectionable behavior and makes others uncomfortable.
Don’t bring illegal drugs to any nude gatherings.
Check with your host for the photo policy. At some events all photography may be prohibited. Any photographs taken must be strictly for private viewing and cannot be published. Avoid taking photographs of others unless you have permission in advance.
Miscellaneous. Some parties may have other specific rules. Always be aware of, and comply with any specific rules regarding such things as smoking, arrival time, parking, etc. These guidelines are especially important when the event is in a private home.
Thank the host. Naturist events are more fun when everyone helps with the responsibilities. If you decide to join SNLA, you may wish to host a party. Other members are required to occasionally help a host with a party.
Etiquette Guidelines for Naturists adapted from Gay Naturists International.